Monday, 15 August 2011

Mid-August Review

Upcycling on Friday at Handmade Sessions
 Well, we have reached the half-way point of the summer and all thoughts seem to be gearing up to the return to school and work--some of us never stopped working!  With all this rain, I will be glad to get the kids back in school and get more of a routine.  It seemed like the endless rain and kids at loose ends was a bad combo and I think there must be many weary parents in Ireland right now.

But the fun isn't over yet!  Call by and see us on Friday-Tuesday at the Rose Festival in Tralee.  We will be under the Original Kerry tent selling/demonstrating.  There will also be workshops for the family and a drop-in arts space.  It is fantastic of the festival committee to put more family events into the schedule and to include craft.  Workshops are free, but you need to sign-up and get a ticket, with limited places available.  

And next week, don't forget about the Camphill/Craft in Kerry Heritage Week event on Sunday, August 28th from 1-5pm.  Hopefully the sun will shine for the day and there should be plenty for the family to do.  Camphill is an organization that assists adults with disabilities of all sorts, teaching them skills to their ability and integrating them into the community.  They do fantastic work and they have the land, but no main house for the volunteers and residents.  So, we are asking for a suggested donation of €5 towards Camphill to go into their housing fund.  There will be candle-making demonstrations, felting, wood-turning, weaving, and more!  Tour their beautiful farm and enjoy the face-painting and music.
Patchwork pillow made at Crafty Bootcamp this week!
What's on this week? Monday is textile collage and stitch; Tuesday is crochet; 
Wednesday is knitting; Thursday is felting; and Friday is upcycling/clothing re-design. Pre-booking is essential, so ring 087-9111793 for more details. We also start another week of Crafty Bootcamp summer camps...

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