Sunday, 2 October 2011

Autumn News...

Robin Alger's whimsical ceramic creations 
Ursula Tramski creates earthy, highly textured
wood-fired ceramics
It's been busy at Craft in Kerry.  There was a great turnout for Culture Night in Killarney last week for the craft demonstrations and selling in the Artist Quarter.  Great things happening there.  We have also had a lot of new members join Craft in Kerry: Lorcán and Anne Dunne (woodturning), Robin Alger (ceramics), Ursula Tramski (ceramics), and Agnieska at Okka's Crafts (handmade cards). It's great to have new members!

We are quiet at this time of year as we are ordering materials and making stock for the coming Christmas season.  It takes some time to produce lovely, handmade work!  Christmas craft fair dates are starting to appear, so keep in mind the following dates:

Sunday, November 20: Ventry Craft Fair 12-5pm
Sunday, November 27: Malton Hotel Craft Fair, 10-6pm.
Sunday, December 4: Dingle
Sunday, December 11:
Sunday, December 18: Dingle Christmas Fair (food & craft)

Next meeting of Craft in Kerry will be Sunday, October 16th at 730pm in Dingle at John Benny's Pub.  All interested should attend and we will be finalizing dates for holiday events!


  1. Boot Camp Holiday
    Good concept! Thanks for sharing, But i m waiting for your new work.

  2. Dear All, Will you be updating your blog with contact details-- as I have recently settled in Boolteens and would like to make local connections to other Artisans. Kind regards Judi
